
O governo australiano divulgou os relatórios com explicações e estatísticas sobre todos os vistos concedidos no último ano financeiro de 2012-2013.

Você encontra as informações traduzidas sobre os vistos aqui no Tagarela! No final da página você encontra as tabelas com o Overview.

E não se esqueça, se precisar de ajuda com vistos de estudante entre em contato com a Tagarela  AQUI.

Se você precisa de ajuda com outro tipo de visto a Tagarela Migration conta com Agentes de Imigração registrados, e você pode entrar em contato AQUI.

*Essas informações foram retiradas do website da imigração e foram simplesmente traduzidas. Originais aqui: 

Informações sobre os vistos (clique para mais informações):

Vistos de Estudante

Residencia Permanente

Residencia Temporaria (Nao economica)

Residencia Temporaria (Economica)

Migracao Economica

Visitantes e Work Holidays

Migracao Familiar


Requisitos de Saude


Table 1: Snapshot of activity in 2012–13
Migration and temporary entry
Total permanent and temporary visas granted 4 691 476
Total temporary visas granted 4 478 858
Total visitor visas granted1 3 753 819
Electronic Travel Authority grants 2 079 642
Working Holiday and Work and Holiday visas granted 258 248
Student visas granted (includes student guardians) 260 303
Temporary residents (other) visas granted 80 140
Temporary skilled migration visas granted (subclass 457)2 126 350
Family stream outcome 60 185
Skill stream outcome 128 973
Special eligibility 842
Total Migration Program outcome3 190 000
New Zealand citizens granted permanent visas 2 599
Revenue generated by visa applications $1 163.1 million
Refugee and humanitarian entry
Humanitarian Program visas granted 20 019
Border security
Passenger and crew arrivals and departures 33.16 million
Immigration clearances refused at airports 2 306
Immigration clearances refused at seaports 22
Irregular maritime arrivals intercepted (excluding crew) 25 091
Percentage of temporary entrants and permanent visa holders who complied
with their visa conditions
Unlawful non-citizens located 15 077
Notices issued to employers of illegal workers 302
Removals and assisted departures 13 486
Foreign fishers taken into immigration detention 53
Foreign fishers in immigration detention on 30 June 2013 0
Visa overstayers or people who breached visa conditions taken into
immigration detention
2 813
Visa overstayers or people who breached visa conditions in
immigration detention on 30 June 2013
Irregular maritime arrivals taken into immigration detention (including crew) 25 724
Irregular maritime arrivals in immigration detention on 30 June 2013 11 402
Total number of people taken into immigration detention 30 895
Total number of people released or removed from immigration detention 25 907
Total number of people in immigration detention on 30 June 2013 12 027
Refugees who arrived and received help through humanitarian settlement services 15 827
Grants to community based organisations under the settlement grants program 216
Number of people conferred Australian citizenship at ceremonies 123 438
People approved as Australian citizens by conferral, descent and resumption 156 371
Presented telephone calls to citizenship information line 432 040
Multicultural affairs
Event registrations for Harmony Day 5 006
Multicultural affairs grants to community organisations to build social cohesion 93
Client contact
Presented telephone calls to service centres
(general enquiries and citizenship information lines)
2 580 846
Presented telephone interpreting calls 1 432 826
Administrative law matters resolved in courts and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal 2 336
Percentage in favour of minister (that proceeded to defended hearings in court) 92%
Australia-based staff 9 133
Overseas staff (locally engaged employees) 1 106
Total staff as at 30 June 2013 10 239
  1. Includes onshore grants.
  2. Rounded numbers may differ from numbers appearing elsewhere in the report.
  3. 4000 places allocated under Expert Panel Partner are reported separately (refer to Program 1.1 Overview).
  4. Figures reflect changes in data entry processes and data quality management throughout the year.

Sobre o autor


Nina mora em Sydney desde 2010. É Diretora da Tagarela Intercâmbios & Migration, barista, baterista e developer. Criou o site Tagarela pra ajudar outros brasileiros que tem a intenção de visitar, morar ou migrar para Australia.

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